MC Mong wanna be doctor?

MC Mong is currently hitting the books to become a doctor!

Well, not a real doctor but for a reality show on the season 2 of Mnet ‘Suh In-young’s Kaist,’ titled (literal translation) ’Doctor Mong goes to medical school’.

For the upcoming program, the rapping singer wants to experience and expose the everyday lives of medical students. And to do that, he has applied and interviewed with five different medical schools and their professors. Although, none of the schools have yet to accept him, the rapping monkey is supposedly studying hard and concentrating on preparing on his own for the English interview with the professors. If this guy is lucky enough to be accepted by any of the medical schools, he will only experience the campus life of med-students as a temporary student. Luckily for the patients, he will not have any personal contact with them nor will he be able to assist in their treatment (phew!). In the case that the rapper gets rejected by all schools, the show will then be geared toward showing the road of his attempt and failure to enter medical school. Seriously though, when student’s are pulling out their hair studying in order to help save the real lives of people, what medical school in their right mind would want their student studying alongside a rapping guy?

For those of you interested in tuning into ‘Doctor Mong goes to medical school’ the program is scheduled to air on Mnet in late April 2009.

******************************new News*****************************

MC Mong has been accepted to ‘Catholic University Medical School‘. We’re not sure if we should congratulate the rapper or be scared for the patients.

Why be scared for the patients? Well because these med-student’s probably won’t be studying as hard as before due to being distracted by the rapper and having all those camera’s in their face. In the long run, it will be the patient’s that will have to suffer. *Knocks on wood* The rapping monkey has already attended two classes and the show will air on Mnet on April 23rd. Hopefully, the pseudo medical student will make himself useful and not be a nuisance to other real students.

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