Final Year Project Presentation

ASSA!!! that's the only word I can say this moment as I feel really scare but not really notice it till I ignore my system about 12 hours now..Totally freak out right now..

The check list for tomorrow
  1. System ok (checked)
  2. Poster (checked)
  3. Overview (not yet print)
  4. Speech (quite ok)
  5. Thesis (done)
  6. Nervous(100%)
Actually I got fever and tomorrow is my presentation.I hope I will do well tomorrow cz as all of you know ~my evaluator are Duo crazy strict lecturers in the world!!! pray hard for me..

Here is my poster for tomorrow.I got bigger image but not yet transfer here..Actually this year they provide us with template which is mean all students will use same design of poster.But since I printed it already so the lecturers said it was OK..hehe..It was designed by my roomate (Kak pah)...kiki

Quote for myself : "To be loved , you have to love yourself first. Give yourself and others some spaces so they won't feel chock.Do appreciate yourself.If you don't appreciate yourself and you're chasing for the love, you will be treated like a trash for your whole life. Never try to chase the love but let the love come to you"

1 luvly stories~:

Poster Printing said...

Great post here! I like your designs too! This entertained me a lot. Hope you post again soon!

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