I finally finish present my FYP project.But still have to present to my supervisor (En Mohd Azwan).Before the presentation I was crazily nervous and keep going to toilet like 4 times..We always hear that people scare till they wanna pee but for me not pee but p^^.hoho..damn nervous. Luckily I went to the place early cz my evaluator come 15 minutes earlier than it suppose start. Well the presentation was quite good. I prefer En Abdullah Safri rather than Miss Syarifah ..But both of them were nice to me! Thank you to Cyrus cz snap a few of pictures of mine when I was presenting to my evaluator.

Before presentation (I bring alot my Korea album).I should print my poster bigger.I never thought they give us such a big booth.

Please take a seat..ehehe..Sweet presentor which damn gediks here posing when cyrus snap picture.Not even realise that my evaluator jz behind my booth that time.haha

During presentation with En Abdullah Safri.
He tried to make serious face so I felt nervous.But sorry Sir I don't feel nervous at all cz u are funny!!

Cyrus at his booth. Dr Jasni and En Shahli went to his booth together..I snap his picture that time actually but haven't transfer yet..wait ya cyrus.

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