These days he is getting busier with daily life and his new responsible..But somehow today make me remember the day we always together and I create the ticker of our Anniversary which is 22 June 2008..Actually we close for long time but we officially declare at that date..He is not the super romantic guys who give me a bouquet of flowers on the day of declaration but it was the most happy moment in my life.I love him so much and he loves me too.I dunno he loves me..when he said that words I think I was the most happiest girl in this world...Start from that day we create our sweet moments together..We did so many memorable and crazy experience since that moment..So many, I think I have to make 1 entry special for the crazy experience..but now I wanna tell you my beloved hunB that I love you so much..Miss you dear.. I understand you are in tight schedule..

This is the gift from Oppa when he traveled to Canada or Mexico.I forgot ..Nway he bought me on his travel to Central America..I really love Carolina Herera's perfume.It smells good and not too strong.really suit me.. I use it everyday ~~~The body shop's cologne also smell good(he gave me on jia huey's bday)
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