Just for fun

let see if HunB has done his job as a perfect boyfriend:
  1. give her 1 of ur cloth 2 sleep in - DONE
  2. leave her cute text note - DONE
  3. kiss her in front of ur frens - NOPE
  4. tell her she looks beautiful - DONE
  5. look into her eyes when u talk 2 her - DONE
  6. let her mess wif ur hair - DONE
  7. juz walk around wif her - DONE
  8. spend quality wif her whole day - DONE
  9. 4give her 4 her mistakes - DONE
  10. look at her like she's d only gurl u see - DONE
  11. tickle her even when she says stop - DONE
  12. hold her hand when u're around ur fren - DONE
  13. when she start swearing at u,tell her u luv her - NOPE
  14. let her fall asleep in ur arms - DONE
  15. get her mad,then kiss her - NOPE
  16. tease her n let her tease u back - DONE
  17. stay up all nite wif her when she sick - DONE (when I got fever)
  18. watch her favourite muvee wif her - DONE
  19. when she sad hang out wif her - DONE
  20. let her know she's important - DONE
  21. let her take all da photo she want of u - DONE
  22. when u fall in luv wif her,tell her - DONE
  23. Make a surprise to her in front of friend-DONE (on pepero day)
  24. trust her... - DONE

he is such a perfect boyfriend! (:

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