Ice Skating punya pasal

Petang sabtu

Aku ajak dia men ice skating esok petang cz last time dia kata next time. Kali ni dia xreply bila aku tnya..then aku assume dia On aje..

Petang ahad

Hunb: I cannot ice skate..I'm afraid my hand will broke again. BB: Andue!! sirro..I dont care..But I though we wanna take sticker picture.. Hunb: AAA..But lets go to art gellery like elite couple and enjoy art. BB: What the h@#$...I know nothing abt art.Honja Ka!!(go yourself) Hunb:Ok let me think about that for 1 million time

so ak sekali lagi assume he sticks to origin plan.

Then Aku,Duyen,Azi and Marina main2 amik gambar kat bawah pokok marble yang tukar color jadi kuning n scarlet..cantik sangat..pastu aku teringat pakwe aku dh get ready tunggu aku kat depan HAna bank..Bila dia call aku lari2 la cz jauh gak dari hostel aku bank tu.

Sekali bila aku sampai kat hana bank aku nampak si pakwe kesayangan aku itu berdiri dengan memakai baju SUIT hitam formal dengan NECKTIE PURPLE STRICKING!!! macam nak pergi kawen!!!!Wah aku yang time tu nak marah bertukar ketawa tergolek2...

BB: Why do u wear like this!!!!! Hunb:HAHAHAHAHA BB: It is bcz u don't want to skate ,then u wear like this?? so that u cannot skate?!! Hunb:(nodding head) BB:rolling on stairs (laughing)..U r tooooo smart!!! But I don"t care..lets go to City Hall and skates Hunb:oh plzzzz i cannt.. I can do anything but not this BB: lets take picture first then I'll think later.

Kesudahannya kami merayau2 di bandar lepas amik gambar n makan odeng dengan dia pakai baju formal tu di petang hari...Akunye lak pakai ala2 sporty gitu. memang sempoi...Haish memang bertuah sungguh perangai pakwe aku nih..

HunB u r the best..hahah

2 luvly stories~:

Anonymous said...

ira..letakla pic pakwe ira...hehehhe :-)

mOOn said...

aah ira..ltak lar gmba oppa...xkn Facebook je kot..hehehe...

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