Versi Bahasa Melayu
Hari ni 11.11.2008. Hari yang aku akan ingat seumur hidup aku. Hari ni orang Korea panggil Hari Pepero sebab pepero tu coklat batang ala-ala bentuk nombor 1 gitu. So nya kalo 4 batang pepero jadi la 11.11 yang mana mewakili 2 orang ataupun couple. Kiranya hari ni adalah hari couple la.Xpun sape yng admire sesape dia bleh confess hari ni.
Nak di jadikan ceritanya.Aku kelmarinnya dah siapkan pepero tok kawan,lecturer korea aku and Boyfriend kesayangan aku.Malam sebelumnya aku tanya dia ingat x hari esok hari ape..dia tanya aku balik hari ape..Time tu rase bengang le..Lalu aku ubah topik..aku cakap aku lapar Frech fries Mc D even kol 2 pagi. Then dia kate dah malam..lalu malam tu aku tido ke-empunan.
Di pagi hari Pepero Day, lecturers aku ramai2 wish Happy pepero day dan aku masih belum menerima sebarang message dari pakwe kesayangan aku..Aku assume la dia busy..
So pukul 1pm kelas korea start.Kami makan pepero banyak2 cz lecturer beli banyak pepero n kami start belajar. Dalam 1 jam kemudian kami dengar ade orang bagi salam..eh bukan bagi AnnyongHaseyo n masuk. Aku punya la terkejut..Itu pakwe aku!!! Dia masuk and bagi hormat kat lecturer aku and bagi aku Aiskrim Pepero baskin robin dengan French Fries Mc D yang aku nk semalam.. Aku punya la terkedu!! Lecturer aku start jerit pastu kawan2 aku ape lagi jerit2 la..."Ira Ottoke..so romantic"..haha bangga aku xterkata plus gembira seyh...pakwe buat surprise depan lecturer n kawan2..pastu pakwe aku malu gila n dia cabut terus..haha..
Lalu xmenyempat2 diorang termasuklah lecturer aku yang sengal itu makan aiskrim aku n frech fries aku..aku sempat makan 2 batang aiskrim n 2 ketul french fries je...waaaa..tapi xpe kongsi kegembiraan..gembira..
Oppa nomu saranghae!!
English versionPepero is chocholate stick which is called "rocky" in Malaysia. The maker's of this popular snack in Korea invented "Pepero Day". It is celebrated on November 11 because the numerical date (11/11) resembles four Pepero sticks! On this day, people give Pepero boxes to their lovers and friends (almost like a Valentine's Day!!!).
Baskin Robin's wafer ice cream..(Symbol of pepero)
"What do you feel is someone that you love did surprise for you in front of your friends and lecturer?"
Pepero day left the sweetest memory to me. I got surprise gift from my boyfriend when I was studying in my Korean class. The time was 2.38, suddenly I heard the door open and one guy that I really know said " Annyeonghaseyo to my Korean lecturer. Then he gave me the Robin Baskin's Pepero Ice cream + French Fries (Mc D) + cute heater in front of everybody in the class..All of my friendwas screaming and clappedtheir hands including my lecture!!!!!...the time passed so fast and I was speechless at that time!!!! waaaaa I never think he would do a such cute thing for me in front of others especially my lecturer..
My lecturer said " Ira we all envy you!! palli open this ice cream n eat together!!!!"..They ate so fast even I just ate 2 개 of french fries..hahaha..But 정말 행복했었어요.

p/s: HunB..thank you!!! I'm sooooooo touched...love u dear..