Konon Dayang Istana...wahaha

Selesai tarian baekjea

With one of the dancer..try to wear tudung too..hehe

Anda sshi with King of Bakejae..

Mari menari lalalala

Ga Class with our lecturer di tengah

Ni la budak2 kelas korea ierah..

Yang ni sume tourist ade termasuk org dari singapore

CUte nye lecturer kami..umur dah 50 tu

jom naik kapal

the bridge was so nce but my camera is lousy...sorry ma..

this is the way they make wish on baekjae festival...write the wish on the candle cup and put on the node of line..

kt atas jambatan plastic


night scenery

선쟁님와 마빈

가 학생....

With MIKO..


Entrance door is so small but the tomb is big enough for the corpse

Fake Tomb..Big n look like room for corpse.

Acsosories that was found in the tomb

In the "kubur" that was found.

Makam Raja Baekjae yang pernah satu ketika dulu mempunyai empayar yang besar hingga ke jepun.

History of Baekje
1 luvly stories~:
cntiknyer...bju kt blakang 2..huhu
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