Actually this festival was held 2 month ago.hehe..I just found these pictures.. This kinda festival is very cool. Celebrate all dormitory students (mcm appreciate student yang dok kat hostel). Kalo la di ump ade cm ni kan best!!

They use sign language to ssing the song..see even though u cannot talk and cannot hear, u still can tell to the world what your heart says.

Happy day ya~

Cheerleaders dari mana ntah..I thought there were sailormoon.haha

Martial Art performance..Takaido or else..forgot the name~

Tasya, Cheyear, Cecilia and Hae Soon(if I don't mistake)..
They use sign language to ssing the song..see even though u cannot talk and cannot hear, u still can tell to the world what your heart says.
Happy day ya~
Cheerleaders dari mana ntah..I thought there were sailormoon.haha
Martial Art performance..Takaido or else..forgot the name~
Tasya, Cheyear, Cecilia and Hae Soon(if I don't mistake)..
Comelnya anak sapa ni..I love that ballons..Hari ini dia shows attentionts..hehe kawaii
Another performance..aerobic dance kot
Rin, Marvin,Miko, Jia Huey and Cyrus memposekan diri..semua berebut belon..Cyrus la collect ballon paling banyak.
Love Marmotte and Shugo Chara Egg..haha xhabis2 dengan anime!!
Where are our oppa?ㅠ_ㅠ
Heading to concert after eating dinner..
Everything free today..Take it and enjoy!
At Dining Hall with JuYong oppa
See so many students gather here..But the next day we hav class..ottoke
Duyen with her Ballons
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