UNAPCICT Incheon Korea

Entry kali ini pasal ma' workstation aka ma' office. Office aku bernama UNAPCICT yang mana located di Sangdo-dong Incheon..Keadaan di Sangdo-do adalah sebiji sejibun macam di Putrajaya dek pembangunan. Panas n tak de pohon2..Alkisahnya office aku terletaknya di 3rd floor of this building..I still don't know the building name..It doens't has name yet as it still new..wakakaaka

OK kuar je lift aku nampak banner kat bawah ni~

Korea jd HUb??ye ke?

After we scan our finger the automatic door open..and we can see this banner..act not banner but signboard

This is picture from Lab Room

This is one of disscussion room in ACPICT

This is my workplace..Can u see the tables??That is my palce look like..But it's not my place..hhaaa

This is Lab Room or the place for me to pray..why I pray here?cz this place is not been used n very clean..we hv to take off our shoes there

Here are the interns for APCICT~
(Rin, Ira,Duyen,Snow(master stdn),Yae and Marvin)

This one is our meeting room..Every Monday morning we will held meeting here..

Relationship between boss and interns adalah seperti kawan..serious BEST.diorang mmg sporting..makan lunch sama2, g travel pon sama2..padtu dpt pendrive 4G free-free je sbb kami attend majlis makan malam..tu je..haish organise lagi la majlis gitu..dh la perut kenyang dapt pendrive lak tu..syukur alhamdulillah

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