This entry will not have my picture cz the place is too camera is allowed..


This is not the sauna that we went to..but it quite same
The torture chair..where is Ira??
Last night Jong Yong Oppa,Chris,Duyen,Jia Huey and I went to Sauna. We jz walked to the sauna cz it jz a few metres from our domitory..It was so cold that night, so went to sauna was the right decision for us...We had to pay 7000 won per head..Act I affraid that I cannot enter the sauna cz I was the one who wore the long pant..But my buddy said its ok to wear long pant but everybody will look at me...So wht!..I dont care..I really wanna go..Then when I stepped inside the "fitting room" may be, I saw many of gals(include ajjumma and haramonim) tanpa sehelai benang pon di badan masing2!!!! Aigooo I was very shocked and neary faint there..but what can I do,,,their style were like that..Tapi aku xikut tau..Ada la sorang makcik kat sebelah aku tu borak ngn ak sambil tukar baju dgn slumber badaknya...ak dh la malu tp terpaksa gak layan dia cume mata aku xpandang dia..biarla dia kate ak biadap ke ape..ak xsanggup seyh!!!lepas tukar uniform ak trus g Sauna..lega kit hati..Bleh bersuka2..Chris asked me to sit at massage chair.. huh it was very paintfull..The chair is not for massage but for the touture!! At that momment ramai la kepala2 dok pandang ak..why???cz I 'm the only one wearing tudung and long pant ..

Chris also made it for me..but I felt uncomfortable cz the hot towel made my brain melt!
We spent 4 hours in the sauna..We ate boil eggs(But kepala ak xcukup keras nk pecahkan kulit telur..byk kali diorg hentam kepala aku ngn telur..naik benjol daa).. I felt so relax in sauna..I can forget about assignments and any problems in sauna..I wanna go Sauna again!!!
4 luvly stories~:
no benang at all... hurmm.. my mind full of pervert stuff now ehehe...
betul2..sume bogel..kecuali irah..malu2
ko slera x mkn lpas balik dr sauna tu? hahahaha
bestnya tgk org bogel..
hahahaaha.. =)
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