Life in Incheon (ToT)

ICT for Today Conference..The survenir for that conference is a 4GB flash disk..waah!! Since I'm in South Korea, I always get flash disk as survenir..Korean people are rich!!

We ate a lot too that day~ A 4 or us arrived late..and the opening ceremony was over, we jst sit n ate.haha..

After that we went to cheonggyecheon stream..
The environment was very romantic..waa!!so many couples sit together there and play with the water..ala2 main percik2 air gituh (ㅠoㅠ)
Tiba~ terjumpa kereta kuda kat tengah2 jalan..ape lagi aku bertenggek la kat first i tot i was fake horse but then i realise it wasn't fake one.haha
air yang indah..without any rubbish or thrash..seeing that, my hands became itchy to throw some thrash into the water..wahahaaha.

To My Fwends~

To My Friends Who Are...........SINGLE
Love is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more it eludes
you. But if you just let it fly, it will come to you when you least
expect it. Love can make you happy but often it hurts, but love's
only special when you give it to someone who is really worth it. So
take your time and choose the best.

To My Friends Who Are............NOT SO SINGLE
Love isn't about becoming somebody else's 'perfect person.' It's
about finding someone who helps you become the best person you can be.

To My Friends Who Are............PLAYBOY/GIRL TYPE
Never say 'I love you' if you don't care. Never talk about feelings if
they aren't there. Never touch a life if you mean to break a heart.
Never look in the eye when all you do is lie. The cruelest thing a guy can do to a girl is to let her fall in love when he doesn't intend to
catch her fall and it works both ways...

To My Friends Who Are............MARRIED
Love is not about 'it's your fault', but 'I'm sorry.' Not 'where are
you', but 'I'm right here.' Not 'how could you', but 'I understand.'
Not 'I wish you were', but 'I'm thankful you are.'

To My Friends Who Are............ENGAGED
The true measure of compatibility is not the years spent together
but how good you are for each other.

To My Friends Who Are............HEARTBROKEN
Heartbreaks last as long as you want and cut as deep as you allow
them to go. The challenge is not how to survive heartbreaks but to
learn from them.

To My Friends Who Are............NAIVE
How to be in love: Fall but don't stumble, be consistent but not too persistent, share and never be unfair, understand and try not to
demand, and get hurt but never keep the pain.

To My Friends Who Are............POSSESSIVE
It breaks your heart to see the one you love happy with someone
else but it's more painful to know that the one you love is unhappy with you.

To My Friends Who Are............AFRAID TO CONFESS
Love hurts when you break up with someone. It hurts even more
when someone breaks up with you. But love hurts the most when
the person you love has no idea how you feel.

To My Friends Who Are............STILL HOLDING ON
A sad thing about life is when you meet someone and fall in love,
only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and that
you have wasted years on someone who wasn't worth it. If he isn't worth it now he's not 'going to be worth it a year or 10 years from
now Let go.....

My wish for you is a man/women whose love is honest, strong,
mature, never-changing, uplifting, protective, encouraging,
rewarding and unselfish.


Miss u~

UNAPCICT Incheon Korea

Entry kali ini pasal ma' workstation aka ma' office. Office aku bernama UNAPCICT yang mana located di Sangdo-dong Incheon..Keadaan di Sangdo-do adalah sebiji sejibun macam di Putrajaya dek pembangunan. Panas n tak de pohon2..Alkisahnya office aku terletaknya di 3rd floor of this building..I still don't know the building name..It doens't has name yet as it still new..wakakaaka

OK kuar je lift aku nampak banner kat bawah ni~

Korea jd HUb??ye ke?

After we scan our finger the automatic door open..and we can see this banner..act not banner but signboard

This is picture from Lab Room

This is one of disscussion room in ACPICT

This is my workplace..Can u see the tables??That is my palce look like..But it's not my place..hhaaa

This is Lab Room or the place for me to pray..why I pray here?cz this place is not been used n very clean..we hv to take off our shoes there

Here are the interns for APCICT~
(Rin, Ira,Duyen,Snow(master stdn),Yae and Marvin)

This one is our meeting room..Every Monday morning we will held meeting here..

Relationship between boss and interns adalah seperti kawan..serious BEST.diorang mmg sporting..makan lunch sama2, g travel pon sama2..padtu dpt pendrive 4G free-free je sbb kami attend majlis makan malam..tu je..haish organise lagi la majlis gitu..dh la perut kenyang dapt pendrive lak tu..syukur alhamdulillah

First Day of Internship..

Now we are staying in Incheon, 3hours from Daejeon. Unfortunately our house don't have internet connection so I hv to update in the Office..wahaha..

In the office I am supervised by Mr James from Malaysia (Lucky cz he can read my LI log book) and Miss Christine from Bangkok. In UNAPCICT we got a post called Information System Moderator. We have to filter all the information in the system, doing case studies and publish our own journal or white paper..crazy!!How can I do all that crap work as I am not good in writing..Gosh!!

We go to work by bus number 6-1 at 7.30 in the morning as we have to arrive before 9.00..The journey taken is quite far..20 minutes~BUt then we have arrive early as we ca surf internet hahah..

At night all of us cook in my room..Last night Yae from Thailand cook pasta for us..nice..

Love Like Deep Water

When I was missing him one of my friend gave me a very special advice. His advice is like giving me 2000cc waltz electrical shock and force me to wake up from my long day dream to reality..So I think I better share it with all of you

He said..

"Missing someone is not something to share..
and always remember that true love is like deep water..
Just silence and peace but no one can measure its depth..
But noise and sound of crying are mostly where depth is less.....
To make your love deep and you will feel that he is with u....
U don't have to say about your feelings and tell what u feel.......
It would be said without saying..silently ..............
Life is beautiful and have its cute colors in much ways ..
Love is also a unique color in happiness of life ..
and also remember if ever in life u lose someone whom u really love ,
so this don't mean that u have lose all colors of will b still kind to you ,,
just if u don't close your doors for happiness and your eyes to see its colors
love is always different from all feelings if it really exists in you ,
many people think flirt is also love and also relations of body is also love
Love doesn't belong to flirt or body.........
It's a heart to heart , soul to soul relation,cant b show just could be felt ......
Can't be told just could be felt"

Have fun at Kumdori Land

The day I will not forget in my life was 6 July 2008..The day that he depart to Central America..So in order not to be stuck and sad of that, Dina planned to go to Kumdori Land, one of the old amusement park in Daejeon ..The idea was very nice..I can forget about him for awhile..Hehe..Enjoy the picture

Here we are~Kumdori Land

Posing everybody!! Tac too..haha

Bus 103~

Viking Boat...first time in my life ride this one..Haha before this my parents never allowed me to ride this kind of dangerous game.


Haunted House...waaaa..not scary at all cz I close my eyes


Flower girls~

"Tell me..Tell me.." we are 7 Wonder Girls..hehe

Oh My Gosh..This game made me dizzy..It was like throwing your self to the earth..I even can see the Sun in front of my eyes!!!After I ride Blizzard(the game's name) , my stomach felt very sick..warrgh

Water Fly Boat..haha..Duyen and Marina love it so much

Children yang xmo main pada mulanya..But at last diorg yng xmo balik..

Nasya and Mom..(

Everychild born in a state of purify, or in Arabic called fitrah. as what had been said by our Prophet in his sabda "setiap bayi yg dilahirkan dalam keadaan fitrah (seperti kain putih), maka kedua ibu bapanyalah yang menjadikannya Yahudi, Nasrani atau Majusi" - HR Bukhari & Muslim. how to teach our kids about Islam? is sending them to Islamic school enough?

one Arabic poem said that "a mom is a school" (al-ummu al-madrasah). just wanna share with those who did not take Arabic, erti madrasah asalnya dari perkataan darasa bermaksud ajar. kata terbitannya seperti mudarris=pengajar, mudarrasun = subjek yg di ajar, tadris = pengajaran, madrasah=tempat belajar/sekolah. sending to Islamic school/kindergarten, etc. is only a small part (but still important) in Islamic education. to prove that a mom is a school, the BEST place of learning about Islam to these children is at home and the BEST teachers are the parents.

we don't need any resources or even any cent to teach them about Islam. since Islam is the way of life, we should not pay big amount, it's just by:-

role model
the reason why Allah sent prophets to us in form of human like us is to be role models. it is the most effective way of teaching, as in al-Quran, we are asked to practice what we preach, meaning that, by saying alone can never be an effective way of teaching and learning.

to teach them to pray, we pray first.
to teach them to recite Quran, we recite Quran first.
to teach them to fast, we fast first.
to teach them good manners, we practice good manners first.

celebrate Islam big days
what are big days in Islam? Aidil Fitri & Aidil Adha? other than those 2 harirayas, there are many big days that most of us might not appreciate (other than it is a holiday) as we appreciate hari rayas. it must be fun if we can create something to celebrate other Islamic big days with our kids. e.g.
Friday = saidul yaum (penghulu hari)
Awal Muharam = maal Hijrah - this symbolises 2 main event, the journey of Rasulullah & umat Islam from Mekah to Madinah
Maulidurrasul = the birth of Nabi Muhammad SAW - it was a riwayat saying that, anybody who celebrates the birthday of Rasululullah will be given big reward. even Abu Jahal (Rasulullah's Uncle who opposed him) gets water to drink as big as the hole on this thumb in Jahannam, because he celebrated Rasulullah's birthday.
Israk Mikraj = when Rasulullah was Israk from Masjidilharam to Masjidil Aqsa & Mikraj from Masjidil Aqsa to Sidratul Muntaha.
Awal Ramadhan = a fest to celebrate Ramadhan, a month of fasting, which in not common in our country.
etc. (will blog later about the details)

get to know Islamic countries
our children should be taught that Islam is syumul and universal. thus, all Muslims are brothers. taught them about other Islamic countries especially where our brothers are threatened, such as Palestin. and also get them know about Zionis, what is the difference between Zionis & Jew, etc.

teach them the beauty about Allah's creation
we don't have to go somewhere farther, it's just around us. tell them about their bodies, why are the hands like this and legs like that, etc.
if we go out, take time to fell and touch about anything we see, and talk to them the wonder about all those...

tell them stories about Allah, Prophets, Angles, etc.
hmm.. i don't have dedicated time to tell them stories & i don't use book to read them bedtime story neither. while BFing to sleep, i tell them stories i remember.

integrate Islam into life
often, when we parents think about teaching children about Islam, is about the rituals; salat, fasting, etc. don't forget that Islam is a total way of life, and every aspect has an Islamic element that we need to talk about and demonstrate to them. one example is, when we go to work, usually we'll say "Papa & Mama have to work to earn money so that we can buy you new clothes, etc." but instead, try to say "Papa goes to work because Allah says a good father should do it, and Mama goes to work because Allah says a good wife should help her husband". sound nicer, isn't it?

make al-Quran fun
reciting al-Quran shouldn't be always as 'formal' as every after solat, on the praying mat, to the qiblat, etc. make it fun by chanting it while playing/doing activities with them. Quran should be a part of our daily life and not only for special 'occasions'.

sing Islamic kid's song
i still remember songs taught during my kindergarten. and nowadays lots of songs can be played such as 'I Am A Muslim','A New Kids', or famous songs by Yusof Islam. Hafiy loves those! oh it's no wrong singing twinkle2 little stars OK...this is only part of it.

say doa in everything
don't limit to doa makan, doa tidur, doa belajar, etc. say nice word, and encourage our children to say nice word, as words are doa, and make them aware about it.

tell them stories about Islamic history
tell them about Khulafa' ar-Rasyidin, Umaiyah Emperor, Abasiyah Emperor, Turki Uthmaniyah, Islamic scholars, etc. it must be fun knowing the glittering of early Islam.

dont compartmentalize Islam!
sometimes we just confuse what is Islam, what is not. Islam is COMMON SENSE, and it is always GOOD THINGS. Islam is not on ibadah or the 5 pillars alone. Islam is not a part of our everyday life, but it should be our life. Islam is very complete with everything; daily routines, learn, play, entertainment, rest, etc.

OK those are just few things from my 2cents on how to teach children about Islam, making it fun and not 'something i HAVE TO follow' but 'something i do and follow'. (other moms might want to share their tips those i believe should be BETTER!) i really adore the idea of sending kids to Islamic kindy or school. but to me, our own house should be the first home/school for their Islamic knowledges and practices.

may all of us be THE BEST mothers to mould our children into THE BEST jundullah for the future of our nation and religion. insya-Allah.


Trip ke Busan..

Hehe pembuka bicara..Assalamualaikum to all of u..Sorry for letting my blog without any entry..Hurm u all know me rite?? Lazy girl~wahaha..But here are some picture when we on trip to Busan..

This trip only Ira, Tac n Chris went there cz we can't bring along all students as we r not going for fun but we went there for Wedding Ceremony (Chris's Cousin)..

Ni lepas gi kenduri kahwen..Ira n penguin..Chris kate dh macam sama tinggi dah aku ngan penguin tuh.,.huhu

Auraaaa I'm Alien from Mars..~~(obor2 daa)

Eh eh ape tu..cutenya...Ira and The Shark story on showing..lets go to cinema

I do....

Ada juga diserapkan adat dia ye dalam western marriage

Groom's punishment??why??
pity him..

Semoga berbahagia ke anak cucu..

Dan akhirnya saya dapat bunga..tapi disebabkan malas membawa bunga itu saya membuang bunga itu di tepi longkang dekat kedai pulgogi..kesian kau wahai bunga

Wey tengok ajjuma tu tengah buat kimbab김밥

Best ar hotel kitorang stay..5 star babe!! aku xtahu nape baik sangat keluarga pengantin pihak perempan kasik kat kami cmginih..agaknya aku cute kot..haha sbb tu dia kasi hotel 5 bintang~

Ntah ape tugu ntah..But there is no Negara Statue here..wakaa

The aisle~ huhu..marry?? wanna marry too but I have to go thru difficult journey~ as Angah said..finish your study first and get a good job..Then everyone will blesse u~Hopely la

Bride's parents whom pay for the hotel's bill..Thank you Pakcik, Makcik.After this if your first daughter get marry invite me ye...I can stay at 5 stars hotel again..wink~~

Turki's restaurant!! Halal food is here..

Tac dah dah la tegok air tu..

Rice with half Tandoori chicken..but not really tandoori..hehe.Halal yang suka ni..Nan Bread pon ader

After they all full..they left me there(pointed to railway) scared

Traditional Shop~

Ira n Tac jz arrived at Busan..9.30pm

Ruang tamu bilik lelaki..waa besar kan..siap ade komputer lagi tu..

Ni pon ruang tamu..sebelah sini dapur..

with atok at restaurant's entrance door

Who's daughter she is??so cute..wahahaha (puke)


Thank You Mr C for those presents u gave~

Free from JH's gift? hehe..What long as from u..wink~

Mr C and Mr C Junior...hehe cute rite..좋아요...

From left..Miss mashimarox..Jung Yong Oppa..NiNi..Jia Huey..Tac..

Thank you for all the gifts..But then I still sad cz u r going to Central America..gonna miss u a lot dear..
