"LOve is nOt abOut findinG thE riGht pErsOn.
But crEaTinG a riGht rElatiOnsHip ..
It's nOt abOut hOw muCh lOvE yOu hAve in thE bEgInning
But hOw mucH lOve yOu buiLd TiLL thE EnD..."
I'm so happy cz I jz talk with my beloved HunB..We kinda plan for our future life..I love him so much cz he accept me for who I am. I also love him because of who he is and I believe him..I call this is love cz I just know what it is love.Love is so difficult to be explained till' you experience it yourself then you can tell people wht is love.Sorry to mumble weird stuff here.I just wanna share my happiness with all my readers..(if I have one..hahaha)...
What I wanna say here is Don't ever to close your heart just because you hv a broken heart one time..Love is about you find a right person for yourself.Try to find it and you will know this feeling. Don't force people to love you just because u really love them.
"Love is the attachment that results from deeply appreciating another's goodness and weakness"
" Cinta itu sukar dilafazkan. Cinta hanya dapat dirasa setelah kita menemui orang yang terbaik buat kita.Janganlah memaksa seeorang mencintai kita hanya kerana kita mencintainya..Biarkanlah si dia berbahagia sekiranya dia menjumpai orang yang dicintai dan mencintainya. Dan janganlah tutup hati kita hanya kerana putus cinta beberapa kali. Bukalah pintu hati kita untuk menikmati cinta di dalam hidup ini. Warna warni kehidupan merupakan salah satu cinta dalam hidup.Bersihkan jiwa dan nikmatilah hidup yang indah ini."